There are many firsts in our lifetimes, but nothing quite like your first time camping with your brand new Troop. It’s exciting, stressful, awkward in all the places, but in the end it was fun!
First night away
Although Pedersen Lodge was available for the girls to sleep in, they all chose to sleep in tents the first night.
The wind was frigid and blustery almost the entire weekend and rained and snowed on and off but not a single scout complained even though some of the sleeping bags weren’t rated for the temperatures we experienced.
The following morning’s breakfast was certainly an experience! To be fair, the wind was blowing the flames of the stoves around so much that it took an exceptionally long time to boil water for washing. They all learned a bit of teamwork as well.
Does this look clean to you?
The rest of the day was spent going over advancement requirements, beginning the Totin’ Chip.
In the afternoon we hiked around the campground to find the lake and came back with some sunshine!
Saturday’s dinner went much more smoothly than breakfast and the first use of the dutch ovens!
Thanks Pedersen Lodge, we had a great time!