Babcock-Hovey Pederson Lodge

Troop 2019 Maiden Campout at Babcock-Hovey

There are many firsts in our lifetimes, but nothing quite like your first time camping with your brand new Troop. It’s exciting, stressful, awkward in all the places, but in the end it was fun!

Although Pedersen Lodge was available for the girls to sleep in, they all chose to sleep in tents the first night.

The wind was frigid and blustery almost the entire weekend and rained and snowed on and off but not a single scout complained even though some of the sleeping bags weren’t rated for the temperatures we experienced.

The following morning’s breakfast was certainly an experience! To be fair, the wind was blowing the flames of the stoves around so much that it took an exceptionally long time to boil water for washing. They all learned a bit of teamwork as well.

The rest of the day was spent going over advancement requirements, beginning the Totin’ Chip.

In the afternoon we hiked around the campground to find the lake and came back with some sunshine!

Saturday’s dinner went much more smoothly than breakfast and the first use of the dutch ovens!

Thanks Pedersen Lodge, we had a great time!

Pack 273 Crossovers

Our first crossovers from Pack 273!

We were honored to accept two new members from Brooks Hill Pack 273 tonight. The ceremony celebrated all of the achievements the scouts have earned throughout their career up to, and including, crossing over to Scouts BSA troops.

Unfortunately one of the girls crossing over was unable to attend but she’ll still be warmly welcomed with open arms to the troop when she is able to just like the scout who was there to cross over the bridge who, incidentally, was Pack 273’s very first female crossover!

After the ceremony a younger scout wanted her picture taken with our newest troop member, somebody she looks up to.

Troop 2019’s 1st Court of Honor

We spent this evening honoring the achievements and advancements that all of our scouts earned over the past couple of months. The girls learned the basics of Scouting, some knots, and how to properly care for and use pocket knives.

Our SPL and MC’s

Some of the scouts even found time to earn their first merit badges!

Over half of our scouts earned the Scout Rank! Of course parents were recognized for their involvement in their daughter’s journey as well.

Congratulations Troop 2019!

After the ceremony we even signed on a new member of the troop. Welcome aboard!

Pack 362 Crossovers

Our first Crossovers from Pack 362!

We were honored to accept Pack 362’s first two girls who earned their Arrow of Light tonight!

Welcome to Troop 2019!

We are looking forward to next year’s crossover event and can’t wait to see what these girls do in the Scouts BSA program!

Goofy Faces
Welcome to the troop, you’ll fit right in!

2019 Rank Advancement Session

On Saturday the Fairport Masonic Lodge graciously hosted our new scouts so they could get a solid start learning some of the skills they’ll find useful throughout their scouting and camping careers.

First the scouts learned a bit about how troops and patrols function.

Then they broke off to different activity centers such as knot tying after fusing cord.

Knot Tying Instruction
Some one-on-one time with the Scoutmaster

Proper pocket-knife care and use was also a popular activity.

Tonight’s meeting

Just to be clear:

Camping in weather we’re expected to get today and tonight? Bring it on! Driving in it, however, we’re erring on the side of caution.

Therefore tonight’s meeting has been cancelled. Better to stay home tonight and practice knots or reading a cherished book.

Stay safe!

An Honor in Service

On Saturday, February 2nd, Troop 2019 had the honor of greeting guests and being the color guard for Colonel Stacy Babcock’s promotion to Brigadier General.

The ceremony held at the American Legion Cottreall-Warner Post #942 was packed with Colonel Babcock’s friends, family, and colleagues in support of her ongoing dedication and distinguished service to our country.

Our four-person color guard learned to walk in step and present the colors (United States flag and U.S. Army flag) according to Colonel Babcock’s direction and Scoutmaster Trisch’s coaching.

Even though there was a cue hiccup at the beginning of the ceremony, the girls represented our troop admirably and pushed on through without stuttering.

Our two youngest members unsheathed Brigadier General’s personal colors, which contains a red field with single white star, at the time of promotion.

After the ceremony the scouts mingled with the guests and shake hands with the newly promoted General, and enjoyed some tasty food.

We would also like to shout out to our Committee Chair Sarah and Assistant Scoutmaster Linda who designed and hand made the custom neckerchiefs specifically for this event. The troop looked wonderful in uniform!

It was an honor for our two day-old troop to be invited to this wonderful event and we can’t wait to see what happens next!

We have liftoff!

Fairport’s own Troop 2019 has officially begun as Sarah Noblett rang the new unit bell at Seneca Waterways Council office this morning after nearly a year of planning, her dream has taken flight.

Sarah Noblett announcing the founding of Troop 2019

Sarah has gathered a cadre of exceptional leaders to bring the best scouting has to offer our youth. We can’t wait to share our decades of scouting experience with our new Scouts on their journey to excellence.

As always, contact us to ask any questions you may have and to learn more about joining our trail-blazing troop!

Making Headlines

Our very own Sarah Noblett, Committee Chair, and Vicki Vetere, Committee Member, were interviewed on Rochester, NY NBC affiliate WHEC News 10 and aired tonight at 6:00pm.

Rochester WHEC News January 14th, 2019

Our Open House is tomorrow, Tuesday, January 15th at 7:00 pm. Please spread the news (pun intended!) to anyone you might know who might want to participate as either an adult leader or youth participant.

More details about the event can be found here:

If you are already a member of our troop, you can register for the event here:

And as always, contact us with any questions you may have!

Blazing Trails

“If a girl is to be equally efficient with her brother for work in the world, she must be given equal chances with him; equal chances for gaining character and skill, discipline and bodily health, and equal chances for using these when she has got them.”

Robert Baden-Powell (father of Boy Scouting)

Hello everyone. We are so pleased to announce the first girl-only Scouts BSA Troop in Fairport; Troop 2019!

Scouts BSA is the very same program and set of opportunities that you have always known as Boy Scouts. The great news is that girls now have the same set of opportunities to participate and earn the prestigious rank of Eagle Scout.

Tuesday, January 15th at 7:00 pm is our public joining night. Please spread the news to anyone you might know who might want to participate as either an adult leader or youth participant.

More details about the event can be found here:

If you are already a member of our troop, you can register for the event here:

Please contact us with any questions you may have.